
American Ginseng


Main Functions

  • Boosting the immune system
  • Reducing inflammation
  • Improving mental performance
  • Regulating blood sugar
  • Reducing stress and anxiety





RM 209


RM 395


RM 575


RM 765


RM 950


RM 1,120



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American Ginseng

American Ginseng aged 5 years or above, large in size, dark colour with wrinkles


Boosting the immune system

American Ginseng contains compounds called ginsenosides, which have been shown to stimulate the immune system and increase the production of white blood cells.

Reducing inflammation

Some studies have found that American Ginseng may help reduce inflammation in the body, which could help lower the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer.

Reduce constipation

Probiotics can help soften stools and improve bowel regularity, which can help reduce symptoms of constipation and discomfort during bowel movements.

Improving mental performance

American Ginseng may help improve cognitive function, including memory, concentration, and attention.

Regulating blood sugar

Some research suggests that American Ginseng may help lower blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity in people with diabetes.

Reducing stress and anxiety

American Ginseng has adaptogenic properties, which means it may help the body adapt to stress and reduce feelings of anxiety.


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Who Needs American Ginseng?



Those experiencing low energy, fatigue, or stress, and seeking a natural supplement to increase vitality and well-being.


Those with difficulty concentrating, poor memory, or declining cognitive function, and looking for a natural supplement to improve brain function.


Those experiencing heat-related symptoms, such as hot flashes, and seeking a natural supplement for relief.


Those aiming to improve physical performance or recover faster after exercise.


Those preferring natural supplements and wanting to avoid synthetic or chemical ingredients.


Those seeking a convenient way to consume American Ginseng without the need to grind or brew the herb.

Product Certifications & Awards



Q :What is American Ginseng Tablet?

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A :

American Ginseng Tablet is a supplement that contains 500mg American Ginseng Powder.

Q :What is Ginsenoside?

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A :

Ginsenoside is an active ingredient in American Ginseng that has a strong health beneficial effect, which can help the brain's nervous system, reduce fatigue, improve memory, strengthen the immune system, nourish the lung, reduce heatiness and maintain heart health.

Q :Why do we need American Ginseng Tablet?

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A :

Busy work makes us often lack of brain power and and feel drowsiness, poor brain power causes us unable to concentrate well. Ginsenosides in American Ginseng can regulate the function of our nervous system in the brain, help to improve thinking, improve memory retention, and enhance ability to concentrate during work.

Q :Does American Ginseng Tablet cause coolness or heatiness?

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A :

Ginseng America provide coolness and helps relieve the lungs, reduces thirst, relieves heat and nourishes the lungs.

Q :Can I take American Ginseng Tablets if I just finish my surgery?

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A :

Recommend customers to stop taking American Ginseng Tablet 14 days before surgery.Customer can start taking American Ginseng Tablet if the surgery had been done 30 days after and the wound had been completely restored/recover.

Q :Can diabetic patient take American Ginseng Tablet?

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A :

Yes, because American Ginseng can help lower blood sugar, improve pancreatic cell function, stimulate insulin ion and increase blood sugar usage.

Q :Do old (aged) American Ginseng has more Ginsenoside content and better in quality?

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A :

Not necessarily, active ingredients in American Ginseng will increase rapidly from the age of 1 to 5, but when it reaches the fifth year, the content of Ginsenoside in American Ginseng will hit a maximum amount. Therefore, the 5 years old American Ginseng is the best age to harvest.

Q :How much active ingredients can be found in American Ginseng Tablet?

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A :

Each American Ginseng Tablet contains 500mg of American Ginseng powder, standardized to contain 5% Ginsenoside, therefore, each tablet contains 25mg of active ingredient Ginsenoside.

Q :What are the recommended dosages for American Ginseng Tablet?

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A :

Take 3-4 times a day, 1-2 capsules each time.

Q :Is there any contraindication for taking American Ginseng Tablet?

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A :

American Ginseng Tablet can not be taken with coffee, tea and white radish. This is because white radish is likely to affect Qi and tea contain tannic acid. All this will affect the effects of American Ginseng.

Q :Can pregnant women take American Ginseng Tablet?

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A :

Not recommended.

Q :Can children take American Ginseng Tablet?

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A :

Not recommended.

Q :Can breastfeeding mother take American Ginseng Tablet?

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A :

Not recommended.

Q :Can American Ginseng Tablet and BIO-GRAPE Seed be taken at the same time?

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A :

Yes, these two can be taken at the same time.

Q :At what age can someone take American Ginseng Tablet?

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A :

Recommend consumer aged 18 years old or above to consume, however if children aged 12 years old wish to take, he/she can only take 1 tablet a day.

Q :Can American Ginseng Tablet be taken over a long period of time?

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A :

It is recommended to take for 3 months and then stop taking for 1 month, then repeat this cycle to get the best result of it.

Q :If you take American Ginseng at night, will you be very energetic and unable to sleep?

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A :

It differs from people, American Ginseng Tablet can freshen up the mind, calming the mind and help in sleeping quality. If you are worried about unable to sleep in the night, we recommend taking American Ginseng Tablets in the morning and in the afternoon.

Q :Can cancer patients take American Ginseng?

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A :

Do not take any supplements if customer is undergoing radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Supplements can be taken if it is 30 days after the surgery and wound had been fully heal or recover.

Q :Can American Ginseng help customers with varicose veins?

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A :

Can try, because American Ginseng can promote blood circulation.

Q :Can American Ginseng Tablet improve our immune system?

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A :

American Ginseng can improve our immune system, increase body's white blood cells, and help the body combat infections and diseases.

Q :How does American Ginseng Tablet improve our physical fitness?

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A :

American Ginseng Tablet contains Ginsenoside which possesses 'adaptogen' effects, can help to boost cellular energy, help to withstand fatigue and accelerate physical recovery.

Q :Can American Ginseng Tablets help or improve lung function?

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A :

American Ginseng Tablet can nourish the lungs, eliminate thirst and relieve heatiness.

Q :Why is American Ginseng Tablet better than American Ginseng slice?

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A :

The American Ginseng tablet is easier to obtain compared to American Ginseng slice. It is chewable, no need to mix with water, and it is a better and a more convenient way to take tradisional medicine.

Q :Is American Ginseng Tablet safe to take?

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A :

Safe to take, American Ginseng Tablet contains no microorganisms, aflatoxins and heavy metals.

Q :Why should you choose American Ginseng from Wisconsin?

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A :

American Ginseng needs to be cultivated under appropriate conditions and areas. Wisconsin meets the requirements for American Ginseng. The condition/requirements of American Ginseng include sunlight, temperature and humidity. Therefore, Wisconsin's American Ginseng also contains Ginsenoside which is higher than other American Ginseng. American Ginseng from Wisconsin also has a strong sense of odour and taste. American ginseng from Wisconsin is certified to meet food safety standards and pesticide residues are low. Whereas, American Ginseng from elsewhere might not be strictly controlled and contain toxic or chemicals. Ginseng of other origin is also very similar to American Ginseng from Wisconsin, and is hardly able to tell the difference.

Q :Can American Ginseng Tablet be taken with chicken essence?

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A :

Yes, it is recommended to start taking American Ginseng Tablet from a low dose.

Q :Can I take American Ginseng Tablet when I get sick?

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A :

Avoid taking American Ginseng Tablet if you have cold or fell sick.

Q :Can American Ginseng Tablet freshen up a person's mind?

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A :

American Ginseng Tablet has a nervous calming function. Ginsenoside in American Ginseng can improve nervous system function, improve memory, reduce fatigue, and reduce other problems such as insomnia and irritation. However, it differs from person to person. American Ginseng is a supplement with the concept of medicine food homology, therefore it needs to be taken over a long period of time to get a good result.

Q :Can I take American Ginseng during my period?

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A :

American Ginseng might give coldness effect so better avoid taking it during your period.

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60 tablets per box. Direction for American Ginseng 1-2 tablets, 3-4 times per day.

American Ginseng


Main Functions

  • Boosting the immune system
  • Reducing inflammation
  • Improving mental performance
  • Regulating blood sugar
  • Reducing stress and anxiety





RM 209


RM 395


RM 575


RM 765


RM 950


RM 1,120


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